h Dolar 34,1026 % 0.24
h Euro 38,1457 % 0.24
h Altın (Gr) 2.874,39 %1,62
a Öğle Vakti 13:03
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  • DOLAR 34,1026h


  • EURO 38,1457h


  • Gram Altın 1,62h


  • ONHaber.Net
  • Ekonomi
  • Turkish Trade Minister meets US Secretary of Commerce to strengthen trade relations

Turkish Trade Minister meets US Secretary of Commerce to strengthen trade relations

Turkish Trade Minister meets US Secretary of Commerce to strengthen trade relations


By Diyar Guldogan

Turkish Trade Minister Omer Bolat held a “very productive meeting” Thursday with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo in Washington.

“During the meeting, we expressed our satisfaction with the increase in our bilateral trade and mutual investments and shared our intention to strengthen our trade relations in the long term.

“We agreed on the mutual goal of reaching $100 billion in bilateral trade,” Bolat wrote on X.

They conveyed satisfaction with mutual investments reaching $26 billion and expressed belief that the investments will continue to increase, he said.

“Furthermore, we confirmed the need to increase our cooperation to enhance joint investments in third countries.

“We emphasized the significant importance of the concrete steps taken through the face-to-face workshop held in Istanbul in March, focusing on the Digital Dialogue covering artificial intelligence, 5G, cybersecurity, and data issues, in adding a new dimension to our bilateral trade,” he added.

Earlier, Bolat attended the 39th American-Turkish Conference in Washington, where he stressed that Ankara is “committed” to realizing a $100 billion trade volume with the US.



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